Friday 25 June 2010


Has the religion of Christianity (overall) made the world a better or a worse place?
How can I live radically without being extremist?
How can I think freely when I've already been told what to think?
If God is love why do Christians who don't manifest love claim to be his followers?
Why can't I bring myself to go back to church?
Why should you bother explaining your doctrines when I already know what you're going to say?
Why do artists have to ask questions?
Why should I be discipled by someone who I don't want to be like?
Why do I have to whisper these questions in a fake name?
If I went back to church after 3 years absence would they still be singing the same songs?
Is anyone else asking the same questions?
Why was the atmosphere in a Buddhist centre so peaceful?
Was I in the wrong religion?
Does writing down questions help you answer them?
Why do I feel like I'm 40 when I'm 28?
Why don't I read 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis?
Why can't I be convinced by theology alone?
If God loves me as a Father and a Mother, why am I still screwed up over my relationship with my parents?
Why are we quick to admit what we know and slow to admit what we don't?


  1. Wow, I could relate to 13 of your questions here. I wonder if I'll be asking the same questions in 10 years? I also attempted to start a blog where I could vent, question and articulate under a 'fake name' - but every time I sat down to write something I felt a distinct heaviness. So I started a blog about everything and anything that would distract from these pressing issues instead. Probably not the best way to go, but I don't claim to have any answers.

    I left a very cultish church about 6 months ago, and I feel like damaged goods to be very honest. I'm so far from being an idealist it's scary. I've been visiting a great (well, theologically sound at least) church for quite some time now, and they quote passages from 'Mere Christianity' often - I also wonder why I don't read it. In fact, I wonder why I don't read any books that my fellow Christians recommend. I also wonder if I would've read the books if they were never recommended. I always fancy that the chances are greater that I would've read them if they were never punted.

  2. Thanks for your comments! I did start to read Mere Christianity years ago and then gave it to a French Canadian I met while travelling...

    Another book I want to read is 'Disappointment With God' by Philip Yancey. Though I've read most of his other books and already have an idea about what it'll be about.

    It's funny to write in a fake name isn't it... I still don't know what direction my writing will take me and didn't want to risk hurting anyone. Myself included.

    Can't wait to read your Blog, whatever it's about! xxx
